30 down, 10 to go!!

I had another doctor’s appointment today.  I’m really hoping that our doctor will be around when I deliver, because he never fails to make me laugh.  Today, he came in and started writing in my chart – putting down that it was my 30 week appointment.  Then he stopped, held my chart up and said, “Well this is just wrong.  You’re 75% done and we’re still on the first page, all black ink.  I don’t feel like I’m earning my money here!”  He proceeded to measure me and listen to her heartbeat.  He said he’d take anything, “a yeast infection or a stretch mark.  Just something so I feel better about taking the money.”  After listening to her heartbeat, he let out a big, fake yawn and said, “30 weeks and the heartbeat’s 140.  Boring…”  Then we agreed that boring is good (even if he does claim to feel guilty!!)

30 week belly shot

30 week belly shot

It’s amazing how much has changed in the 20 weeks since I wrote this post.  At 10 weeks, BabyMort weighed about a quarter of an ounce and was about an inch long.  Now, she’s about 3 pounds and 16 inches long.  Our “little kumquat” has become our “little cabbage.”  It doesn’t sound quite as endearing, does it??


I still feel sick a lot, but now it’s heartburn, not morning sickness.  The fatigue I thought I was experiencing at 10 weeks is nothing compared to how tired I am now and I still have trouble sleeping (or have trouble again – I had a few months when I felt fairly ‘normal.’)  In addition, now my everything hurts and I’ve accepted that I’ll only get more uncomfortable in the coming weeks.

However…I now have the joy of feeling her move around and knowing that “it” is a “her” (although I’d prefer if she’d keep herself out of my ribcage!!)  I’m also lucky enough to have had a healthy pregnancy, something I was very worried about at 10 weeks, when we hadn’t even heard her heartbeat yet.  The next 10 weeks don’t seem like an eternity away like 30 weeks did.  In fact, it feels like we hardly have any time at all to get ready for her arrival!!

Like I said before – We’re getting an amazing little girl out of this, so I can deal.  Plus, I’m already 75% of the way through my pregnancy!!

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Filed under BabyMort, Doctor's Appointments, Prego Update, Symptoms

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  1. Pingback: Blame it on pregnancy?? I wish!! | MamaMort

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