Chloe sings her ABC’s

Recently, MissK built a swingset in her backyard.  Now, every morning when I drop Chloe off, she asks to go ‘Wee-wee’ which means she’d like to go out to the swings.  As soon as I sit her down, she says, ‘Bye, bye mommy.’  If I try to drop her off inside, she’s not so happy to see me go.  When I pick her up at night, several days of the week, I find them in the backyard on the swings and I’m told they’ve been there for a half hour or 45 minutes.

So, brilliantly, MissK decided to use the best of the time with her captive audience.  In less than a week, Chloe Mae has gone from knowing, “A-B-C” to knowing the entire song.  It’s a bit rough at a few points, but it’s adorable.

Next up, Chloe learns calculus!  Or possibly just works on colors, shapes and what not 🙂

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Filed under Milestones

One response to “Chloe sings her ABC’s

  1. Nanna

    Adorable doesn’t even begin to describe this!!!

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