New Year, Same Tired Me

It’s a new year and we’re supposed to reflect on the past and talk about the future, right? When I look back at 2023, I feel like we’re an inspirational quote I’ve seen plastered all over social media. “It’s okay if the only thing you did last year was survive.” All year, when we’d see family or friends we hadn’t seen in a while, they’d ask what we were up to or if we had any trips planned.  And the answer was always just that we were chugging along without anything major on the horizon. I wanted to have big plans, but I was tired. Mentally, physically and emotionally, so tired. 

I’ve been dealing with some chronic health issues that seemed to be getting worse. Unfortunately, the doctors I saw all seemed to brush it off. When I got a new primary care physician and explained my symptoms, she looked at my chart and said, “Your bloodwork (that was months old and not ordered by her) looks normal. I don’t know what you want me to do.” I couldn’t even formulate a response to that. I could go off about how women are treated in healthcare, but that’s a whole other issue!

Eventually, after a lot of advocating for myself, I’ve started getting some answers. Not many solutions yet, but the information and validation is something.  Over the last year I’ve been diagnosed with anxiety (ha, no big surprise there!!), depression, cPTSD, POTS, severe anemia, and a suspected connective tissue disorder. I’ve had to start accepting the reality that at 38 years old, my body has some pretty big limitations that I never imagined for myself – at least not at this age. 

Taking a shower puts my heart rate up into what would be considered Zone 3 for exercise, an aerobic or “challenging, but doable” workout. For. A. Shower. A walk around the neighborhood can put my heart rate over 160bpm. I get dizzy, short of breath, and so, so tired any time I’m upright. 

There is almost always a part of my body that hurts, so much so that I just thought it was normal and that I was just weak or lazy. Then I started seeing a lovely physical therapist and a sports medicine chiropractor. As they’d ask if a certain motion or pressure caused pain, I’d often give answers like, “Yes, but I can breathe through it easily.” After they both, independently, told me that it shouldn’t hurt at all, I finally started to believe them. 

Why am I sharing this with everyone? (I mean, not everyone. I doubt very many people still read this now that I’m not posting cute baby photos!!) It’s not to gain sympathy, but maybe help explain where our family is at. We continue to wear masks when we’re in any public indoor space. I know people think we’re weird. I know people think I’m just being anxious or overreacting. I know we have been left behind by friends, family members, and most of any community we were a part of, because it’s inconvenient to meet outside or apparently uncomfortable to see us wearing masks. 

As more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more information has become available about Long COVID and the effects it has on almost every major body system, I am more and more sure that I need to protect my kids as much as I can. I don’t want them to live a life with chronic illness. I would rather have them wear a mask to dance class than not be able to dance anymore. I would rather meet friends outside than not have the energy to leave the house. I would rather protect them now than help them with chronic illness later. 

And we also want to protect the vulnerable people in our community – whether we know them or not. We’re living in a society that values individualism, but has lost the sense of community and concern for our neighbors, but that’s not the world I want to live in. We want to stop the chain of transmission so we’re not making someone who is immunocompromised, someone who is caring for an elderly relative, someone with a newborn, or someone who is fill-in-the-blank-because-really-we-don’t-want-to-infect-anyone sick and possibly changing their life forever. 

I assume that most people will read this and still think I’m being melodramatic or that I’m making judgements on other people’s choices. Would I love for others to mask up in public spaces, get vaccinated, actually stay home and test when sick, increase ventilation, and improve air quality? Yes. Absolutely. For the sake of our own family’s health and for their own health and well-being. But I’m not trying to change anyone else’s behavior. I have a strong enough understanding of boundaries to know that I can only control my decisions. And I’m not trying to shame anyone who has made different decisions than we have. All that being said, I do think there is a serious lack of easily available information and the public health messaging is abysmal, so if this information helps anyone – great!

But we’re tired of being left out, forgotten, or judged for trying to keep our family healthy. Until there are better preventative measures and treatments in place, we will continue to mask, but we also want to continue living our lives.  In 2024, I want to feel understood, seen, and cared for. It’s probably a pipe dream, but I can’t give up hope, so I’ll keep dreaming! 

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Our First Teenager!

On one hand, I’m not sure how we have a teenager. And on the other hand, you have grown so much (both physically and emotionally!) over the last year, that it’s obvious you’re no longer a kid 🥰 I am so thankful that even as you grow, you still like spending time with our family. We had so much fun making a silly video with you on your birthday, you still enjoy family game nights, you and I still bake together – although you really don’t NEED me anymore – and you’re a wonderful and patient sister to your brother, who adores you 95% of the time.

You continue to enjoy writing, art, dance, and pretty much anything creative. You are fan of anything cookie dough flavored, really enjoy smoked meats, but you’re also aware of the health and environmental benefits of eating vegetarian, so you try to balance occasional indulgence with meat-free choices when you can. You’re a list maker (where do you get that from?!) but we continue to work on being flexible and handling change when it happens. You and I are in the sweet spot where we can share shoes and I’m hopeful that your feet don’t grow any more so that we can both have a great selection of shoes. It’s so cliche, but I’m so thankful I get to be your mom and watch you become your own person!!

You were in full party-planning mode this year and it was so fun to work with you to make your vision come to life! I’m pretty sure you didn’t miss a detail – from the decorations in the bathroom, to a full beverage menu, and even homemade games. I’m hoping you’ll plan a stellar party for me some day!

·  What is your favorite color? Purple or teal.

· What is your favorite toy?  Art supplies.

·  What is your favorite fruit?  Raspberries. Or banana in the form of a roll-up.

·  What is your favorite TV show?  GreenHouse Academy

·  What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Boxed Mac & Cheese or Totinos, “Cause I’m real fancy.”

·  What is your favorite outfit?  Jean shorts with a graphic tee.

·  What is your favorite game?  Cards Against Humanity Family Edition or Code Names

·  What is your favorite snack?  Peanut butter, chocolate chip, banana roll-up

·  What is your favorite animal?  A dog or quokka

·  What is your favorite song? Hamilton soundtrack or any songs by Olivia Rodrigo

·  What is your favorite book?  Harry Potter or 39 Clues

·  Who is your best friend? Nya or Carolyn

·  What is your favorite movie?  The Greatest Showman or Raya and the Last Dragon

·  What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play in the mud or swing.

·  What is your favorite drink? Cardinal Cream soda or Dragonfruit Vitamin Water

·  What is your favorite holiday?  “Christmas. Or Halloween.”

·  What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  “Campbell the Bampell Pie, my Tangled blanket, my Kindle, and Georges as well, but you don’t let me have two dogs.”

·  What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Crepes or pancakes.

·  What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Wings. And other Snackies.

·  What do you want to be when you grow up? A writer, an artist, or an actor.

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My Baby is in Double Digits!

Wooo-buddy. Not only have you reached the double digits milestone, but this whole year has been a year of learning about who you are and how your brain works. It’s been just as much of a journey for me to figure out how best to support you and make sure you can succeed in a world that isn’t always built for you. You continue to be wildly creative, passionate, and loving. You’re rarely more than a few feet away from some yarn and a crochet hook and you often make amazing creations, with no pattern, in a single sitting.

Sadly, I think you’ve fully outgrown your squishy baby cheeks, but your front teeth have finally grown back in! You love that you’re tall, even while acknowledging you have no control over it 🙂

We were able to celebrate with family the weekend before your birthday with an animal themes party. Then we continued the tradition we started with your sister and took you on a trip for your 10th birthday, leaving your sister at home. You decided to embark on a tour of zoos, with stops in Omaha, Kansas City, and St. Louis. We enjoyed ice cream and pancakes in each city and you also had letters from family and friends to celebrate this milestone. Part of my letter reads:

I can’t believe my baby is already 10! I remember being so excited, and a little bit nervous, to add another human being to our family. But you have been the perfect addition since the very beginning. Your sister got to come meet you before she had to go to bed that night and the only thing she was more excited about were my chicken strips. Those are pretty tasty though, so… 😉 You are my snuggle-bug and I hope you never fully grow out of it – although there will obviously be a day (probably really soon!) where you’ll be too big to do koala bear hugs on the regular. I’ll try not to be the creepy mom from “I Love You, Forever” who sneaks into her grown son’s house, but I can’t make any promises.

I feel like with every year that passes, it’s going to be harder for me not to become the creepy mom who sneaks into her grown son’s house, but it’s so fun to watch you grow and mature. I can’t wait to see who you become and continue to love you forever!

And without further ado, the lovely, and often repetitive, 20 birthday questions!

  • What is your favorite color? Green!
  • What is your favorite toy? “Ummm, probably my stuffies or LEGO.”
  • What is your favorite fruit? Raspberries.
  • What is your favorite TV show? The Masked Singer.
  • What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Sandwiches.
  • What is your favorite outfit?  Banana tank top with my red shorts.
  • What is your favorite game? Air hockey.
  • What is your favorite snack? Small bags of Cool Ranch Doritos.
  • What is your favorite animal? Tiger.
  • What is your favorite song? “Levitating” by Dua Lipa, featuring DaBaby.
  • What is your favorite book? Harry Potter.
  • Who is your best friend? Judah Wiens (even though he’s lived 4+ hours away for 8 years now…)
  • What is your favorite movie? Hamilton
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swing.
  • What is your favorite drink? Cardinal Cream soda from Fitz’s (we did this 2 days late. On his birthday, his answer would have been Sprite.)
  • What is your favorite holiday? My birthday.
  • What do you like to take to bed with you at night? “A bunch of stuffies, my Kindle, a dog-a-doh, pillow, water, blankets, books, white noise, and then sleep.” (This is true. All of this and more is in his bed. Drives me crazy, but seems to work for him!)
  • What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Pancakes!
  • What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Pizza. (I think because we get to watch TV…)
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? Artist…?

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Chloe is still *not* a teenager…

What a year eleven was for you! You handled the challenges and disappointments of a pandemic better than many adults. You never hesitated to wear a mask in order to keep our family, friends, and strangers in the grocery store healthy. Despite your love of plans, you did your best to handle the uncertainty and last minute changes that came your way. I know it hasn’t been easy, but I can’t say that I’m not a little bit thankful for the extra time we’ve had together and the memories we’ve made. Not to mention – all the food you’ve cooked and baked for us!

To celebrate your birthday this year, we delivered cupcakes to local friends and had a virtual watercolor painting class with friends and we also had family over for ice cream sundaes in the backyard. You planned the activities on your actual birthday practically down to the minute, including a hike in the woods, dog snuggles (duh!) and my best attempt at a Milk-Bar knockoff cake.

Our present to you this year was a bedroom makeover. You picked out the color and accent wall design, but you let us handle the rest to surprise you. Seeing your face when you walked in and saw the finished product for the first time will forever be engrained in my brain. It was so fun to be able to do something special for you!

How many more years do you think you’ll answer these questions for me? It’s interesting to see how your answers have changed (or not!) in the last decade!!

  • What is your favorite color? Purple. Or teal.
  • What is your favorite toy?  “Dolls or LEGOs. Oh, and a Rubik’s Cube!”
  • What is your favorite fruit?  Mango or raspberries.
  • What is your favorite TV show?  Just Add Magic
  • What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  “I know it’s not leftovers… Maybe, Mac & Cheese and fish sticks or cheese and crackers with salami.”
  • What is your favorite outfit?  A Harry Potter shirt and joggers or comfy shorts.
  • What is your favorite game?  This Game is Bonkers or Just One
  • What is your favorite snack?  Peanut butter, chocolate chip, banana roll-up
  • What is your favorite animal?  A fox or a screaming Gibbon monkey
  • What is your favorite song? Pretty much anything from Hamilton. I really like Satisfy or Burn.
  • What is your favorite book? This Would Make a Good Story One Day or Harry Potter
  • Who is your best friend? Nya
  • What is your favorite movie? “Obviously any of the Harry Potter movies. Or I really like the Night at the Museum series or Descendants series.”
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Play in the mud or swing.
  • What is your favorite drink? Strawberry lemonade or any type of Izze.
  • What is your favorite holiday?  “Christmas. Or Easter as far as candy goes.”
  • What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  “My Kindle, Georges or Campbell, my Tangled blanket, George the monkey, my giant stuffed animals and probably a pillow and other blankets.
  • What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  German pancake or breakfast bars
  • What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Homemade sourdough pizza.
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? A writer or a baker.

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Devon is Nine in Quarat-tine

This is not how we expected to celebrate your 9th birthday *cue pandemic references…* However, you rocked it. Back in May when your sister had a birthday, you said, “I don’t really want to still be socially distanced, but it would be kind of fun if I still couldn’t have a party and got to have a birthday parade too!” Well, you got your wish 🙂 I think the only gift you’ll remember is your Nick the Niffler stuffie. You have a great love for stuffies and anything related to Harry Potter (or Fantastic Beasts, as the case may be.)

Your love of all things LEGO only grew over the last year. You spend lots of time swinging, preferably while singing songs from Hamilton, and have gotten exponentially better at going on walks / short hikes without complaint – as long as someone is willing to talk to you. Dog snugs or Mom huggles are still some of your favorite things, and I don’t mind at all that we have to snuggle while we do schoolwork. I can’t wait to see what your last year in single-digits brings!

What is your favorite color? Lime green. (First year ever it hasn’t been blue!) 

What is your favorite toy? Legos.

What is your favorite fruit? Banana.

What is your favorite TV show? Captain Underpants.

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Totinos pizza. (I introduced him to this delicacy and I’m not ashamed!)

What is your favorite outfit?  Banana tank top with my red shorts.

What is your favorite game? Chess.

What is your favorite snack? Peanut butter filled pretzels.

What is your favorite animal? Dog.

What is your favorite song? “The Reynold’s Pamphlet” from Hamilton.

What is your favorite book? Any Harry Potter book.

Who is your best friend? Judah Wiens (even though he’s lived 4+ hours away for 7 years now…)

What is your favorite movie? Hamilton

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Swing.

What is your favorite drink? Vitamin Water, Power-C flavored

What is your favorite holiday? Christmas.

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? “Chompers. My Kindle. The Tortilla blanket [that he gave me for Christmas and then stole.] And Wesley.”

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Pancakes!

What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Breakfast for dinner. (Even though this isn’t what we’re having, and he got to choose…)

What do you want to be when you grow up? A famous basketball player.

**Every single answer was preceded by, “Ummmm…”

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The big 1-1 for Chloe!

What a year your first year in double digits has been, Chloe Mae!

You conquered your fear of the high dive at the pool, in your own time, when you were ready. I was super proud of you, excited for you, and oh-so nervous at the same time! You started taking a hip-hop class every week this fall and are loving it. You love to spend your free time writing stories, as well as still spending plenty of time playing pretend with your brother – dolls, LEGO, or even just imaginary people.

We got to go on a couple of fun trips this year – visiting family in the Black Hills area and tagging along when Dad had a business trip to Scottsdale. You did a little more fear-conquering when we stayed at Great Wolf Lodge and completed the ropes course at least a dozen times in less than 24 hours. I’m so glad we got some adventures in earlier this year, because we’re now in the middle of an unprecedented pandemic.

You have made the best of our time at home and have spent a lot of time baking, building an enormous LEGO world, and going on daily family walks. Your birthday plans had to change, since we couldn’t get together with friends or family, but even then, you had a great attitude. I asked you to brainstorm things you wanted to do on our birthday, and within a few hours you had a completed list of activities and menu items!

We made Harry Potter inspired “Sorting Hat Cupcakes” that had M&Ms inside to sort you into one of the Hogwarts houses. We drank Caribou hot chocolate and had a Nailed-It style decorating challenge. After a birthday parade with friends and family, we had a pizza-movie night and finished the day with a family dance party. You had a couple of current songs, but also included Macarena and YMCA. I love that you still love what you love and don’t care what’s “cool.”

I can’t wait to see who you become in the next year – although I can’t say I’m looking forward to you continuing to creep up on me in height (you measured yourself at 5’2″ on your birthday!) and I’m not sure how I feel about you approaching being a teenager. That feels a little bit too close to being an adult, and I’m not sure I’m ready for that 🙂

You still love answering the 20 questions and think it’s fun to compare to last year’s answers. I’m hoping you’ll continue to humor me for years to come!

  • What is your favorite color? Purple and teal
  • What is your favorite toy?  LEGO
  • What is your favorite fruit?  “Rasp-berry!”
  • What is your favorite TV show?  The Masked Singer
  • What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Mac & Cheese (made by herself) and fish sticks
  • What is your favorite outfit?  Blue denim jumper
  • What is your favorite game?  Villainous
  • What is your favorite snack?  Peanut butter, chocolate chip, banana wrap up
  • What is your favorite animal?  A fox
  • What is your favorite song? Seniorita
  • What is your favorite book? School for Good and Evil or Harry Pitter
  • Who is your best friend? Nya
  • What is your favorite movie? The Greatest Showman
  • What is your favorite thing to do outside?  Swing on the blue swing.
  • What is your favorite drink? Dragonfruit Vitamin Water
  • What is your favorite holiday?  Christmas
  • What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  “My blanket, my kindle, and a dog.”
  • What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  German pancake or breakfast pizza
  • What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  Homemade sourdough pizza.
  • What do you want to be when you grow up? A baker or a writer

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Arizona 2.0

For a long time, we’ve been saying that we should coordinate a family trip with one of Aaron’s work trips. Often times though, his trips are last minute and it’s hard for us all to get away – not to mention expensive! But when he found out he was having a retreat at the Scottsdale office, we decided to make a go of it.

We got there a day early and stayed a day late, so we got a couple full family days and that’s where we packed in most of our activities. On the days that Aaron was busy with work functions for 12+ hours, the kids and I did some schoolwork, took advantage of the fitness center at the hotel while watching The Price is Right, and enjoyed second breakfast before the hotel breakfast closed down each day. (This is generally necessary, but even more so being pregnant with surrobabe #2!) Then we did some low-key exploring – local parks, the library, and an art museum. Nothing too crazy, but it was fun to get out of our home routine and enjoy temps that were warmer than at home. Although it was the coldest week the Phoenix area had all winter- just our luck!

Our big splurge of the trip was spending our first night at Great Wolf Lodge. It was our first time visiting one of their locations and we all had a great time! In addition to spending lots of time in the water and going down the water slides, the kids also chose to get an unlimited pass for the ropes course. They were both a bit terrified the first time, but by the end of our 24 hours, they knew the names of the staff members working the course. Before we even left, the kids were trying to plan a visit to another Great Wolf Lodge location a bit closer to home.

We also stayed another day after Aaron’s retreat was over to squeeze in some more family fun. A trip to Candytopia, another hike in the mountains, and some mini-golfing finished off our vacation. Hopefully this isn’t the last time we’re able to combine a work trip with a family vacation!

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Devon is 8

My cute boy. My sweet boy. You experience life very intensely and still keep me on my toes. You would happily spend all day playing elaborate games with made up characters named after some of your favorite American Ninja Warriors – and in fact – some of those kids had to come with us for your birthday celebrations. You could spend hours, and sometimes do, talking about which kids are with us, how they’re loaded into the car, what they’re eating…

You love Harry Potter, all things LEGO, and making weird faces in pictures. Breakfast food is some of your favorite of all time, which is why we had apple cider donuts from the orchard and pancakes for dinner on your birthday.

Math is probably your favorite subject, because it’s easy for you and you get to do it on the computer! Anything that requires you to hold a pencil and write is your least favorite. All school work is better when you get to snuggle a dog while doing it though!

You have a very generous heart, when you want to, and you’re growing your hair out so you can donate it, and you don’t even care that people mistake you for a girl more often than not. You’re running low on teeth these days, but you still managed to eat corn on the cob this summer. I was mighty impressed!

I’m excited to see the person you’re becoming, but so, so grateful that you’re still into huggles (one of my favorite Devon-isms “It’s a hug and a snuggle combined!”) You give some of the best hugs in the world, which I guess we have Goofy to thank for 🙂

What is your favorite color? Blue. 

What is your favorite toy? Legos.

What is your favorite fruit? Bananas!

What is your favorite TV show? Full House.

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch? Mac & Cheese and fish sticks.

What is your favorite outfit?  “My ‘Iowans: The few, the proud, the extremely cute!’ shirt and my patterned gray shorts.”

What is your favorite game? Taco vs. Burrito.

What is your favorite snack? Homemade trail mix.

What is your favorite animal? Dog.

What is your favorite song? “A Million Dreams” from The Greatest Showman. (He’s learning it on the piano and so excited!)

What is your favorite book? “Oooh, that’s hard. Honestly…. Harry Potter.”

Who is your best friend? Judah! (even though he’s lived 4+ hours away for 6 years now…)

What is your favorite movie? The Greatest Showman

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Hula hoop.

What is your favorite drink? Frosted Lemonade

What is your favorite holiday? “Halloween. No Christmas, Christmas, Christmas. Make sure you write that all down, Mom.”

What do you like to take to bed with you at night? “Douglas (the prairie dog.) Chompers. And Louie (the longhorn.)”

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Pancakes!

What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Breakfast!

What do you want to be when you grow up? A baker.

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Great Places, Great Faces…

For a couple of years now, we’d been discussing a trip to South Dakota. Neither Aaron nor I had been to the Black Hills or seen Mount Rushmore and thought our kids were about the right age to enjoy it – and make the drive without too much complaint – especially with the much-anticipated stop at Wall Drug to stretch their legs towards the end! To make things even better, Aaron’s aunt and uncle have lived in the area for years now, so we would get to visit them and have knowledgable tour guides. It’s one of my favorite ways to travel 🙂

We started off with a bang and went to Mount Rushmore our first morning there. It was a beautiful day and super fun to see, even if some of the paths were closed for construction. We were able to see George Washington from several different angles, because – knowledgeable tour guide 🙂 The kids earned their first Junior Ranger badges of the trip while we were there.

While Mount Rushmore might be one of the most well-known places to visit in the area, we were able to enjoy several other attractions. I’m a huge planner, but I didn’t do much research or planning going into this trip, knowing that others would know where to take us. I have to admit, it was a nice change to have someone else leading the way. Place we visited included…

Reptile Gardens: We were able to catch the shows with birds, snakes, and crocodiles. Aaron was extra thankful that only the bird show was interactive for us, and we were able to sit in the back row for the snake show! The kids were also able to play on the playground there, and we saw lots of other animals.

Jewel Cave: The elevators were down at both Jewel Cave and Wind Cave, which ruled out most of the tours. Thankfully, our tour guide hooked us up with the historic lantern tour. It was just about the right amount of challenging for the littlest legs, without being too hard or too long. (Meaning, we didn’t hear complaints!) The kids were able to get another Junior Ranger Badge after our tour. We also got both kids a souvenir of the trip – a hat for all of their ranger badges!

Custer State Park Wildlife Loop: While we enjoyed all of our time spent with our tour guide(s) on this trip, I think Aaron especially enjoyed it during our drive on the Wildlife Loop. He was able to enjoy all there was to see instead of having to pay attention to the road. We stayed in our car when the buffalo roamed by (and were able to have really good discussions with the kids about making safe choices about interacting with wildlife when others did not stay in their cars…) and, saw the not-so-wild burros, and Devon especially enjoyed spotting the prairie dogs.

The Mammoth Site: I had no idea this place existed, but it was so fun! On this tour, we got to see an active archaeological dig site and learn about how scientists think so many mammoths ended up buried in the same place. Strangely enough, there was someone in our (small) tour group who works for the same company as Aaron, just out of their Bozeman office instead of the Ames office. We tend to see fellow Workivans everywhere we go, although we’re usually closer to home when we do, but Aaron was happy to be able to declare it an official trip after we saw a co-worker.

Sylvan Lake: We were able to take a beautiful walk around and hike near Sylvan Lake before brunch one morning. Impending breakfast foods were a great motivation for the kids, but we still had to stop and take a snack break mid-way through. Although I’d love to live closer to the mountains, I’m not sure I could handle the number of snacks it would take to get my kids through our hikes 🙂

Crazy Horse Memorial: We could see Crazy Horse off in the distance from Aaron’s aunt’s house. We could even spot it when Devon woke me up for the sunrise (which I was thankful for, but would have been more thankful if he hadn’t woken me up on a cloudy morning the first time…) We got so busy doing other things that I wasn’t sure we would actually make it there, but we went on our last afternoon. We were accompanied by Aaron’s uncle, who actually worked on Crazy Horse for years (and has done work on Mount Rushmore – I think he helped with Abe’s nose job, if I’m remembering correctly…) It was nice to hear about his experiences and wander around all the exhibits for a bit.

Aunt Denise’s house: I always enjoy being able to connect with people in their “natural habitats.” The kids (and adults!) are able to interact so much more than when we gather in a public space or only for a couple of hours at a time. Some of the simple pleasures the kids enjoyed were:
– Aunt Denise being an early riser and telling the kids they could get up with her in the morning. (We always make them stay in bed if they wake up before 7AM. They can read, but getting up is so much more fun. They’re obviously not teenagers yet…)
– The plastic bowl of water she let them use on her deck, which was a swimming pool for some LEGO people they brought. There was a diving platform set up at one point and only one LEGO person fell between the slats of the deck and had to be rescued!
– They helped shuck corn for dinner and Chloe made the husks into pigtails and a skirt. For herself. It was shower night. It all worked out.
– The kids used a large set of dominoes for pretty much everything except playing the game – chain reaction falling and using them as building blocks were favorites!
– We were able to get out some energy taking walks on her property, waving to the cows that wandered near our path, and occasionally stopping to hug a tree. Totally normal.
– She also showed us some of her “usual haunts” in Custer, including a stop at the post office. The kids loved looking through her collection of post cards and picking a few to send to friends and family. And a few more to take home, possibly to send back to Denise!

Amazingly, the drive home, despite everyone being tired after days of being on-the-go, went well. We listened to audiobooks, the kids drew pictures of the dogs they were so dearly missing, and we stopped at the Corn Palace – which we were totally unimpressed by. One of my favorite trips to date!

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Birthday Celebration: Our NYC Adventure

A couple of years ago, we decided it would be fun to take our kids on a trip of their choosing, without their sibling, when they turned 10. Chloe wasn’t sure where she wanted to go. She narrowed it down to “the mountains”, “the beach”, or Hoboken, NJ. Since Hoboken, via NYC, was the only specific location she mentioned and also the least likely location we’d visit with her brother any time soon, it seemed like the right choice.

We tried to fit as much into our time in New York City as we could. I had never been, so selfishly, I wanted to cross some items off my list too! We got in mid-afternoon on Saturday, settled in our Airbnb in Jersey City, and then Uber’ed into the city. (Sometimes I felt guilty about spending money on Ubers, but it was a balancing act between saving money and saving our sanity!) We headed to a restaurant that had been recommended to us because of their mac & cheese cones – which were delicious – but I was thrilled with the location. We were on a patio next to the river and could see the Statue of Liberty in the distance. When we were done eating, we walked over to the 9/11 Memorial and the One World Observatory.

At the 9/11 Memorial, I thought it was really special that they take the time to put a rose in someone’s name on their birthday. Since we were there on C’s birthday, we read the names of some of those who she would have shared a birthday with. Then as we were heading up to the top of the One World Observatory, there was a really powerful animation shown on the sides of the elevator that shows the changing skyline. It starts in the 1800’s and ends in the present day. If you have the chance to go, the twin towers appear, and disappear, on the right hand side, as you’re facing the back of the elevator.

On Sunday, we had tickets to see Aladdin on Broadway. We spent the morning and early afternoon exploring the area near Rockefeller Center and Times Square, before heading over to the theater. FAO Schwarz, the M&M and Disney stores, and a slice of pizza – folded in half, of course – were highlights. After the show, thanks to the friend of a family member’s nephew (thanks 6 degrees of separation 😉 !) we were able to go backstage at the theater. It was interesting to learn about their sets, props and costumes and Chloe wasn’t even a little shy when it came to checking things out!

Monday was the big day! You might think that a Broadway show would be the highlight, but no. Carlos Bakery, the bakery featured in Cake Boss, was THE REASON we traveled to NYC. During our trip, we also managed to visit several other bakeries connected to TV chefs – Sprinkles, Jacque Torres Chocolate, and Milk Bar. And because the trip may as well have just been a tour of desserts, we also enjoyed treats from Devon & Blakely (solely because of the name!), cheesecake from Junior’s, a waffle with cookie butter from Wafels & Dinges, shakes from the Shake Shack, and cookies from Levain. The lobster tail from Carlos and Chocolate Chip Walnut cookie from Levain were probably my 2 favorites – although I really wanted to add several others to the list as I typed this out! Chloe’s favorites were the lobster tail and cheesecake and Aaron, who wouldn’t have gone to nearly as many bakeries, if any, on his own, liked the Chocolate Peanut Butter cookie from Levain and the strawberry shake from Shake Shack. We walked a total of 35 miles in 4 days, so we felt totally justified in all the yummy food we ate!

When we weren’t eating, we rode the Staten Island Ferry, walked across the Brooklyn Bridge, visited Grand Central Station, and explored Central Park. We looked liked tourists and I didn’t even care. I know that we barely even scraped the surface of what there is to do and see in the city, but I feel like we had a successful trip!

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