Monthly Archives: March 2015

Spring – What my Kindergartener Knows

CMonster never ceases to amaze me. While drawing with sidewalk chalk yesterday, she drew these pictures.

 So now you’re wondering what’s so amazing, right? These are pretty standard pictures drawn on our dirty, cracked sidewalk. I was impressed when she explained her pictures to me. Each picture is about something she has learned about spring. This is what she told me about each of her pictures.

Upper left: This is the earth tilting closer to the sun. This is why its starting to get warmer.

Upper right: This is a baby chick in its egg and after it hatches.

Bottom left: This is a flower. The green part is its stem and the blue lines are its roots. That’s how the flower gets water.

Bottom right: The white part is a tornado. The red part is our house, and I’m in the basement sleeping.

Now you know what CMonster has learned about Spring too 🙂

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