Monthly Archives: August 2009

There’s hope for sleep…maybe??

According to the sheet we get from daycare, Chloe ate at 4PM yesterday.  She normally eats about every 3 hours, so when she started getting fussy at 7 we pulled out the bottle.  She appeared to be eating for quite some time, only to find out there was still 4oz in the bottle.  She was no longer fussy, so we didn’t push it, assuming she’d be eating it within 15-20 minutes.  She got fussy, we tried again, still nothing gone.  Then she fell asleep and slept until 10:30.  She downed her bottle and then was up every 2.5 hours to eat again, making up for the fact that she went 6.5 withou eating.

Normally, she’ll have her bedtime bottle and go down about 8:30 and then sleep until 1:30, so we get about 5 hours out of her.  If we can figure out how to recreate this 6.5 hour stretch without eating between the hours of 8:30PM and 3AM, Aaron and I would be happy (well-rested) campers!!  Sadly, I don’t think it’ll be that easy…

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3 months old!!

3 months old!!

3 months old!!

Our newborn baby isn’t a newborn anymore.  She’s officially an infant – and oh man what a difference since her last monkey-rocking-chair-picture.  She just sat there, chilling out while we took pictures, whereas before we had to worry about her slumping over in the chair or screaming for no apparent reason.  Miss Chloe is definitely happier than she was a few weeks ago.  She still has her moments, but what baby doesn’t??

She LOVES to try to sit up or stand up.  If she’s sitting with one of us and we’re leaning back a little, she sticks out her tongue and strains to try to sit up straight.  We got her a new toy from Craigslist over the weekend, and even though she’s still a wee bit small for it, she had a great time trying it out!!


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DaddyMort was walking Miss Chloe around the house looking at stuff and explaining things to her this morning when she was being fussy.  I overheard him say, “This is bamboo.  Panda’s eat bamboo.  We’ll feed it to a panda if there’s ever one in the house so it doesn’t eat you.”


She’s  going to be a daddy’s girl for sure!!

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Before & After

MamaMort, trying not to cry as I get ready for my first day at work and Chloe's first day at daycare.

MamaMort, trying not to cry as I get ready for my first day at work and Chloe's first day at daycare.

MamaMort, happy to be cuddling her little girl after a day apart.

MamaMort, happy to be cuddling her little girl after a day apart.

We survived our first week apart!!


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You know you’re a parent when…

I know there are a million endings to this phrase, but since C has taken to only pooping a couple times a week, and is obviously uncomfortale at times, these phrases have become true in our house.

…you email your spouse when your child poops.


…you yell across the house for your spouse to come look at the diaper you’re changing.


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