Monthly Archives: July 2009

Serves Us Right -or- We Love Cloth!!

We went over to Aaron’s parents on Sunday afternoon to have lunch with them and decided to take Chloe swimming for the first time in their pool.  Aaron changed her diaper as he was getting her changed into her swimsuit and realized that it was the only diaper we had brought with us.  We were using disposables that day, because we had some from the diaper cake at our shower and we had been too lazy to stuff our cloth diapers, and we both just assumed that there were several in the diaper bag.  We knew we’d need another diaper for her after she got dunked in the pool, so I drove up to Ames and bought a small pack to keep at Grandma and Grandpa’s.  When I returned, I found Aaron and Chloe like this:


She’d had a blowout while I was gone, so she was awaiting my return butt-naked on her changing mat.  Thankfully, I returned before she had to do any more business…

So what does this have to do with us loving cloth diapers??  Chloe was wearing disposables for a few days last week and had one or more blowouts each day.  The last time we had her wearing disposables, she had several blowouts.  She has NEVER had a blowout in a cloth diapers.  We may end up doing diaper laundry every few days, but at least her clothes (and ours) don’t get covered in poop every day!!

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Sooo big!! (Yet another size comparison…)

BumGenius 3.0, Smallest Configuration, 12 days old

BumGenius 3.0, Smallest Configuration, 12 days old

BumGenius 3.0, Smallest Configuration, 2 months old

BumGenius 3.0, Smallest Configuration, 2 months old

After we took this picture, we decided we needed to change the diapers to the medium configuration.  The smallest size couldn’t fit around her chubby little thighs anymore!!


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Julia Droolia’s Cousin

That would be my daughter.  (Her name doesn’t rhyme with drool, so…)  We kind of think she might be teething already, but we’re first time parents, so what do we know?!?  She’s extra drooly, seems to prefer to basically chew on her pacifier as opposed to sucking on it, has started chewing on her fingers and is fussy a few minutes into her feedings.  It’s probably more likely that we’re just reading too much into it, because I have to have an explanation for everything, but that doesn’t stop me from speculating!!

Regardless, isn’t she just cute??


And don’t worry, her Nanna is working on teaching her to cover her mouth when she yawns!!

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8 week picture

Chloe Mae, her monkey and her chair.

4 weeks
4 weeks
8 weeks

8 weeks

Soooo big!!

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8 weeks

Miss Chloe Mae is a cranky baby.  As our parents remind us, we deserve it !!  As a baby, Aaron was screaming if more than 2 people were in the room.  I was just screaming, period.  My older brother couldn’t even take a nap unless I was crying, because he’d gotten so used to the noise.  Needless to say, having been crying babies ourselves does not make dealing with ours any easier!! 

As of yesterday, I’m trying a dairy-free diet to see if that makes her feel better.  I cut back on my dairy a few weeks ago and it didn’t seem to make a difference, but she is still so gassy that we think it’s worth another try.  I’m being a lot more strict about it this time and am trying to avoid all dairy – which is a lot harder than it sounds.  (We had to look at about 5 jars of red pasta sauce before we found one without milk in it.)

She does have happy times though.  She likes:

  • Being bounced.  Not just any bounce, but big bounces – especially on the pilates ball. 
  • Being outside.  90% of the time, she’ll go from screaming to completely silent the moment you walk out the door.
  • Being swung in her carseat.  Some have suggested that she’s just frightened, but I think she really likes it.
  • Car rides – as long as she doesn’t have to sit at a red light.
  • Her changing table.  There have been a few times that I’ve just strapped her in and left her there for a few minutes while I get things done, because it’s one of the few places she’s perfectly content.
  • Being carried in a sling.
  • Playing “Wheels on the Bus.”
  • Sleeping on her tummy.  We only let her do this during naps when we’re with her, but it’s very tempting to put her on her tummy at night, because she sleep so much better!!
  • Baths with nice warm water.
  • Being naked.  We put an extra changing pad down under a blanket and just let her hang out sometimes, because she absolutely loves it!!

She’s 8 weeks old today and I hope that the “magic” happens sometime in the next few weeks.  Many things that I’ve read and been told, both my friends and my doctor, say that colicky babies tend to improve around 8-12 weeks, practically overnight.  There’s lots of theories on why this happens – the end of the so-called “fourth trimester” when they’ve adjusted to the world or that their digestive systems mature. 

We can’t wait for her to be happier, because hopefully that means she’ll be less uncomfortable.  The occasion that we get a glimpse of a happy Chloe are amazing.  She has such a cute little smile and I love it when she talks to us.  Already, we can’t believe how much she’s grown and changed, so we’re trying to just enjoy every minute that we can!!

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Happy Birthday Mom!!

My birthday was last Friday.  When I went to feed BabyMort at 3AM I found this note attached to her crib. 


I’m a lucky girl to have such a thoughtful daughter who has a wonderful dad.

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