Monthly Archives: January 2018

Here’s to 2018!

For our family, and many others I know, 2017 was a rough year.

Greys giphy

I don’t want to be a Debbie Downer. It certainly wasn’t all bad. I delivered a healthy baby to help complete a family. Our kids continued to do well with their schoolwork and enjoy homeschooling. We travelled to view an eclipse in totality and explore the mountains. Most importantly – we were healthy, safe and had a roof over our heads.

But looking back, it just feels like there were a lot of struggles for our family and those we love. There are many things from this last year that just plain sucked. Over the course of the year, we learned, or were reminded, that we can’t control others’ actions; only our own reactions. We learned about perseverance and taking things one day at a time. And we learned about love and loss, firsthand.

While 2017 may have been a year of unintended lessons learned, we’re hoping that the start of a new year gives our family a sort of fresh start. While life continually gives us chances to learn from our mistakes and struggles, we’re looking forward to the lessons we can learn from our triumphs and adventures in 2018.

Follow along and I’ll do my best to keep you up-to-date on our adventures – by plane, train and automobile!

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