Monthly Archives: February 2014

Bonus Day!

I had yesterday off for President’s Day. Chloe was supposed to have school, but it was cancelled due to the crazy snowstorm we had in the morning. So that meant the kids and I had a full, bonus day together.  We had a blast. We did arts and crafts, snuggled and read books, met Aaron at work for lunch and the kids even happily played by themselves!


Playing “Buttercups.” For Sofia the First fans, you might be familiar with this. For those not familiar, the game involved a nature walk and earning badges.

While we had lots of fun, I also managed to fold a couple baskets of clothing, take 5 baskets of clean clothes upstairs and put them away, empty and reload the dishwasher, shovel the driveway and sidewalk and (take this mom!) made dinner.  I was productive.

Right before dinner was ready to go in the oven, Aaron got home from work, and we got to go outside and play in the snow!


The seven-armed, five-belly-buttoned snowman.

I’m sure that doing this day in and day out, it wouldn’t be quite so smooth.  But trying out the “Stay At Home Mom” gig for the day was pretty great.  Anyone know about a super flexible, part-time, work-from-home job I could get?  The kids and I could rock it!

(Seriously, let me know if you know of anything 😀 )

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